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Discover the tropics with your senses

Tropical Fruit Spreads

The Fruit Horizon Tropical Fruit Spreads are made in Colombia from the freshest tropical fruits. Thanks to the Andes mountains, Colombia has all climate zones from the Caribbean Sea over the Andes mountains at 5.000+ masl, to the tropical Amazon Rainforest.

We chose the most flavourful fruits for your tropical experience at your daily breakfast! 


Taste: Tamarind is described as a cross between starfruit, pear, pineapple, and guava.

Tamarind is a tropical fruit originating from certain parts of Africa and has since been cultivated in other tropical regions like the Caribbean-Colombia. The beanshaped pods grow on a hardwood tree reaching roughly 25m. Inside the pods are pulp and seed. Generally ment by tamarind is the pulp, however, the seeds and leaves of the tree are also edible. In traditional medicine, tamarind was given in beverage form to treat diarrhea, constipation, fever, and Malaria. Let's say, it seems to be on the healthy side of food intake.



Taste: Guanabana tastes a bit like a banana but with an interesting citric twist and a creamy mouthfeel. Maybe sugar apple helps as a description, even though it smells a tiny bit like pineapple.

Guanabana has become increasingly popular, because of its amazing flavor and the big size of its fruit body. It is grown in warm and humid climates, like all coast regions of Colombia. It is a prickly green fruit which can reach weights of nearly 7kg. There are controversial discussions about its healing power, however, we prefer to stick to the information we can confirm: It tastes amazing!


Taste: Guava taste is unique! Some describe it as a valvor hybrid of strawberry and pear.

Definitely universally pleasant! 

Guavas are 4 to 12cm big fruits grown in subtropical regions. They have a pronaunced fragrance similar to lemon but less intense. Because of its naturally high Pectine content, Guava is used in many countries to make candys, in Colombia e.g. Bocadillo. The fresh Guava fruit is known ot be rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C and has moderate content of folic acid.



Taste: Pineapple, I guess you all know the intense taste of pineapple. Sweet and acid - a representative of true tropical feelings for most Europeans.

In Colombia, pineapple is a not too-common crop, which shares its growing grounds in a rhythm of 2-3 years with other fruits like papaya and yuca (tuber). Colombia makes it barely into the world's top 10 pineapple producers. In European supermarkets, you most likely find pineapples from Costa Rica, the world's biggest producer. Colombia is 22 times bigger than Costa Rica and produces only about 1/3 of the pineapple production in Costa Rica. You can see, the Colombian pineapple fields are in comparison rather small, which probably makes them even more delicious!


Taste: Lulo taste goes in the direction of rhubarb combined with lime as a sweet-soure experience. Sometimes described with notes of strawberry, pineapple, and banana. A complex taste to try!

 Lulo grows in the mountain regions of an altitude of 1.000 to 1.200 masl. The fruit is about 6cm in diameter, orange-yellow with a shiny tomato-like surface, but hary. The fruit is difficult to transport due to its quick overripen after harvesting. Therefore it is difficult to get outside of producing countries.



Taste: Maracuya (passion fruit) is well known for its full aromatic tropical taste on the sour side of experiences.

Maracuya, also called passion fruit, has become more common in recent years due to its desirable tropical flavours and increasing use in high-end kitchens particularly for desserts, ice creams, and sorbets. 

The all-time green "vines" (bushes) are produced all year around, once they reach their fruiting stage at about 6 to 7 months after planting. It can grow several meters high - only if they find enough support to attach to. The maracuya vine only lasts for 2 to 3 years. 


Taste: Physalis offers a unique sweet-citric experience, often described as having a hint of tartness and subtle tropical notes.  

Also known as Cape gooseberry or ground cherry, it is a small, golden-orange fruit encased in a papery husk. Rich in vitamins A and C, this fruit belongs to the nightshade family and finds versatile use in desserts, salads, and jams. Additionally, it has become a popular cocktail garnish, adding sophistication and complexity to drinks. Physalis plants are adaptable, thriving in temperate and subtropical regions, with the ability to grow at altitudes ranging from sea level up to approximately 2,500 meters (8,200 feet) above sea level, making them a favored choice for cultivation in various regions.

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